Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Book Review: A Conversation with God

A Conversation with God by Alton Gansky is a good read for someone wanting to have a basic overview of theology in easy to understand laymen terms. The book consist of questions in which the author speaks on behalf of God to answer. In general it was not as awkward as I had expected. It some ways I believe this did limit the author. The depth of discussion could have been deeper by allowing the reader to wrestle with varying theological positions within Christendom. The format of the book does not allow for that level of thought. I do recommend it to those that want a basic theological overview. For this reason, I plan to add this book to our church library.

I was disappointed that there was not a chapter on the church. I was hoping that "God" would have a higher view of the church. On page 50 the highest compliment given toward the church was, "Church is a resource that shouldn't be overlooked." Really? The living organism founded by Jesus is treated as an add-on. Unfortunately, this is true for the God most Americans worship. In spite of this I liked the book over-all

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program.

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